Monday, November 30, 2009

Riley's First Bath

I was excited when Riley's umbilical cord fell off on it's own (a first for our family) because that meant we can begin bath time! I love playing in the water with my kids and seeing how they react to new stimuli. In Riley's case, she screamed almost the entire time (thanks Keryn for catching my typo). She seems to take her time getting used to this world.
Daniel decided to join in the fun as are some pics.


  1. She looks very comfortable and content. What a way to be. She is a beautiful girl and Daniel looks like a great helper!
    Love you all!

  2. Very cute! And even screaming, it had to be better than Bruce's first bath during which he peed on Mark and then pooped in the water. Lovely. Our pictures weren't nearly as adorable!

  3. This is one gorgeous baby girl!!
